
Over the last 8 or so years I steadily became intolerant to many foods including sugar, wheat, tea, nuts, milk and most fruit. I was getting weeping eczema, rashes, generally red skin, rosacea on my face, itching eyes, throat and skin, irritability (moods) and a fun mix of diarrhoea and constipation from foods that had never bothered me before.

I was also experiencing tiredness and a sense of wanting to just give up as I wasn’t getting any relief from my symptoms.

The eczema on my hands was so bad I couldn’t type on my laptop without my knuckles cracking and bleeding.

All in all I was a real hot mess.

Nothing really seemed to be getting on top of the root cause of this weird response my body was having to what should have been mostly healthy, nourishing foods.

After my annual 2 week trip to Queensland, where many of my allergic responses just seemed to disappear (I would go on this annual trip to QLD to detox from what I thought was causing the problem — my 2 dogs) I decided to have a shower before going to bed. Upon getting wet, my entire body started itching and burning – and I hadn’t even started using soap or shampoo at this stage.

Don’t tell me I’m allergic to my water now?????!!!!!!!

We lived in a beautiful, pristine part of the Adelaide Hills and collected our own water supply that wasn’t anywhere near agricultural sprays. What on earth could I be allergic to in the water?



The First Solution

So by now I can imagine you can feel my frustration and pain.

I had been discussing my kids’ intolerance of milk with my lovely Chiro and she was muscle test them for it, so I thought, what the hell, let’s get the water tested for me.

I took a sample of the rainwater from my shower and a sample from the filter we had on the kitchen sink. The muscle test indicted that my body was completely under stress with the unfiltered water, BUT OK with the filtered water. I was certain that our filter didn’t take out chemicals, at least as far as I knew. But it did filter out organic material (which was the reason we had it installed). Through a little more discussion and analysis, I asked to be tested for eucalyptus leaves as I knew we had a lot of these in our tank.

Found it! That was the culprit. Gum leaves were giving me a reaction that seemed to be triggering many of my other responses because my body was constantly being inflamed through washing in the shower, washing my hands, and drinking the water every day.

Enter Kinesiology. And finally – a treatment that worked!

Because of the incredible muscle testing results I’d experienced with my Chiro, I wanted to find out more and I discovered that Kinesiology offered remarkable treatment for many different issues – in particular, balancing and reducing the stress of allergies and intolerances.

After approximately 3 balances I was able to eat many of the foods that I’d previously been intolerant to and the eczema on my hands cleared up completely.

I’ve also found that my gut function has returned to normal (even optimal!) again after kinesiology balances I’ve had for other issues. My body just seems to be working through them all and making me a better functioning human.

This makes me happy.

You know what else makes me happy? My friends commenting on how well I look (and how much younger I look!).

Yay me!

Kaylee x

P.S. If you’ve experienced any intolerances or reactions to food, water or anything else that goes into or onto your body, book a session so we can support you. 🙂